Our Mission
The Center for Mathematics Professional Learning and Educational Training (COMPLETE Center) is a joint center between the College of Education and the College of Science that provides a collaborative network of STEM faculty that provide outreach and professional development by bringing together a consortium of school district leaders, GMU Faculty and students, national experts, non-profit organizations and business partners. COMPLETE has secured $4.3 million of funded projects to support innovative mathematics teaching and learning initiatives from 2008-2024.

EQSTEMM supports teachers making use of mathematical modeling in the elementary classroom to advance issues of equity will require targeted teacher professional development (PD). Advancing Equity and Strengthening Teaching with Elementary Mathematical Modeling is a teacher PD project focused on strengthening K-5 teaching with mathematics modeling.
Integrating Mathematical modeling, Experimental learning and Research through a Sustainable Infrastructure and an Online Network for teachers in the elementary grades.
TRANSITIONS is a mathematics science partnership between faculty from the COMPLETE Center at George Mason University (GMU) and nine school divisions.